yeah let's get back to English. I wouldn't call it cleverness. Actually it is nothing to be proud of. I didn't have to work for it. It is just there, like some strange skin disease, you can't get rid of. I was simply lucky, that's all.

Back to topic: I hope to be able to provide some more models in the future. And there will be a large model pack again for Xmas, with models for general purposes, like sci-fi elements that you can combine to build something else. I guess that could be quite helpful.

That's actually the way the 3d models for the movie "Robots" was made. They had to build a complete city in 3d and found that it was an enormous effort. So they came up with this idea: Instead of building each model separately for each scene, they decided to build general purpose components like screws, crossbeams, springs etc. and put them into a virtual warehouse. This way, they could build numerous models out of the same components and create the complete city in one and not just individual scenes. So I think providing elemental, modular models in addition to speciality models would be a good idea.

Best regs
Rincewind (The man who would die for poffertjes :-)

Born for runes