
Thanks for your help, but too bad that its not possible. I have absolutely no experience with scripting, except for the first exercise in the tutorial (which consists of typing things into notepad).

You can use SED for making your scripts with. The four main fundamentals to scripting are:

1. Manipulating variables and performing calculations, both simple and complex
2. Using if statements and while loops
3. Working with strings
4. Working with functions

With just these four things, you can do quite a bit. The other things such as using bmaps and panels aren't fundamental, but are still useful. I first recommend mastering the four fundamentals.


@Ulillillia: Ok thanks. Im going to try to work my way through the tutorials some more. That game looks very good. Have you made any others?

At the moment, this game is the only one I truly have. With dedicated focus on finishing it, I could be done before the first half of June is over with, before the start of July at the very latest. I have attempted a 3D game and had some progress, but it's completely unplayable and there's otherwise nothing really much to it. MED is holding me back because of all it's bugs, limitations, and annoyances.

My 2D game, called "The Supernatural Olympics", has a single script of 28,000 lines. About 4000 of which are just in panel definitions alone and another 12000 or so in the very extensive menu system (excluding the tutorial and challenges, of which take another 6000 or so lines). This leaves about 6000 lines for running the main game itself - panel position calculations, character movement, and other relevant stuff. 2D isn't as hard as it seems either. I just went an extra step (correction: several extra steps) and make the game have a strong 3D feel to it (and provided full customizability to practically everything as well).

"You level up the fastest and easiest if you do things at your own level and no higher or lower" - useful tip My 2D game - release on Jun 13th; My tutorials