
I don't own DarkBasic ( http://darkbasic.thegamecreators.com/ ), but I do subscribe to their monthly email newsletter. Every time I get it I find at least 20 to 50 percent of it to be really interesting in terms of ideas, products, games, etc. comming out for it. I've been tempted...*seriously* tempted...on more than one occasion to just give in and buy it. If it weren't for the fact that I've been with 3DGS since version 4, and that I own both Torque and C4, I would have bought it LONG ago.

So, I'd like to see Conitec put together something of equal use with regards to 3DGS. I'd like to see what Conitec is up to, what others are doing, other "plug-in'able" programs that can work with 3DGS (texture packs, modeling programs, physics add-ons, weather simulators, etc.). I'm sure they are out there...or they might be if Conitec started to put some more effort into giving us more info on what is out there or what is "in the pipe" for the next edition. I know we can find all this out on the forums and main web site, but it would be nice to see these in a monthly newsletter.

I'm getting a bit dissillusioned with 3DGS's complete lack of information on what is going on with Game Studio. Other companies seem to have no problem with frequent updates on where the "engine/program" is currently at...why not Conitec? The A7 upgrade info can be found on the "beta" page, but it's hardly exciting. I turn to AUM for the little bits on what's comming up...with screen shots and comments.

Anyway, I guess I'm just a bit frusterated with the way Conitec is keeping us in the dark FAR too much, IMHO. I know some of you will say "But if they say X will be released on Y date, and it isn't, everyone bitches at them." Well, that's part of being a business. Pick a rough date, like "Second quarter of 2007", *and* put a HUGE, in-your-face disclamer that the predicted time is subject to change. You will still get people who whine, but I'm *sure* that the number of people who are happy to see all the cool stuff that is 'in the works' would be a hundred fold over the complainers. In short, don't punish the majority because of a few whiney little boobs.

Anyone else like to see a monthly newsletter of the same quality (or better) as the DarkBASIC (aka, "The Game Creators") newsletter?


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)