
Anyway, I guess I'm just a bit frusterated with the way Conitec is keeping us in the dark FAR too much, IMHO. I know some of you will say "But if they say X will be released on Y date, and it isn't, everyone bitches at them." Well, that's part of being a business. Pick a rough date, like "Second quarter of 2007", *and* put a HUGE, in-your-face disclamer that the predicted time is subject to change. You will still get people who whine, but I'm *sure* that the number of people who are happy to see all the cool stuff that is 'in the works' would be a hundred fold over the complainers. In short, don't punish the majority because of a few whiney little boobs.

What's wrong with "It's done when it's done."? Apart from that, there's the forecast page and beta page which should give enough insights into what to expect to be upcomming, albeit with a disclaimer.

I rather have good updates than hasty and sloppy ones every week.


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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