
I want to make animations which are special to an object
-For example climing a rock
Then I want to create an animation which plays on serval highest the same
-On top of an roof on the floor
Where I must to set the HIP-Zeropoint to get the model on the right floor?
-And if this works I want to make animations for a fight with enemies.
How I make the enemy animation right, so that I could it use also?
I mean where I must set the hip? Because the enemy is turned in the Testsystem 180° or other degree against the model.
I want to use both animations for each model.
-For example my model hit him turn a bit, and he is hit and fall beaten down o.e.
(In Poser the model have HIP-COORD, which were saved with the BVH position and BODY-COORD, which are not saved. Maybe I save the turn and distance in BODY. So the animation could play also for the player model, too.)
It not easy to coordinate two persons in a fight or interaction, without having the other person. So I want to make the animations for both in one time, but want to use both animations for player and enemy.

Maybe you some infos, how you have made such fight, climbing o.e. animations
I mean only the ground and zero-position of model-hip or -center, not the animation itself!

Thank's for any idea.
greetings, roger