I know all the solutions that you wise people have come up with, are not useful in my case.

Dan ,

It's all about re-using the same resource many and in different ways. If I can create a level with say 5 models and have say use it for 1000 different situations then the solution you are saying would need 5000 individual models. Think about the loading time and HD space needed for those models . And dont forget the time I would have to spend modelling it. And if situation arise for changes then all time that would be wasted on tweaking that model.

And when I say collision detection would be faster if the model involved has less polygons. That means only the models whose AABOX is in direct intersection, is checked with polygonal collisions. Try to create a big level with all geometry in model, and the same level with smaller models, then the level with smaller models or parts model should run faster .

If you still cant see what I am talking about then ask and I will post a picture for your refrence .


It's a solution that wont let me see the level in real time .


You have got the idea what I am talking about . But you are wrong about the modeling program and as such. Because I see things differently and will like to do as I see fit .

Btw thanks all of you who are trying to solve a situation that needs only a minor feature change on the part of conitec. And that would be to let the user have the freedom of scaling his models as he likes, uniform or non-uniform.

My Specialities Limited.