i think the problem is that you can not survive time travel as human beeing.

what i thought about is that if time travel happens there will be another big bang. because there has to be some kind of consistency in time.

i mean look, just assume you could travel back in time and take actions. even your presence would change the whole time after. just think someone sees you and wastes 2 secs seeing you. normally when you wouldnt have travelled back he would never have seen you. but now his day is another because of the 2 seconds. he might come late, miss the bus, excuse somewhere. get fired because of this and so on. his actions also change those of his surroundings and so on so this is basically a chain reaction.

the time after your visit would never be the same. this is why i think time travel should never ever happen!

maybe there are already some vistiors from the future among us trying to change something in history? why not? just to keep the discussion going