yep. thats where it begins to takes theory of relativity beyond physics into philosophy. I always wondered if that was the goal, Einstein was tring to use to scientificly prove the unprovable? Yet its totaly missed by creationist, whom dismiss science because they see it as its intent to disprove their faith.

We, are not 3 dimentional beings, but 3 1/2 dimentions. time being the 4th dimention yet we are locked in a one way linear direction on that dimention. Locked into it because of our physicality.

Now, exceed the speed of light ( which is by all NATURAL physics impossible) we enter the unnatural. as you pointed out the realms of infinate. infinate mass, infinate size ... something our physial form, limited by laws of nature cannot survive ( the atom can't survive the infinate).

what ever is left over is not bound by the laws of natural order, not bound by time, space, gravity etc as we know and understand things. In most societies, cultures and philosiphy, we call that state of existance, the spirit, ghost, imortality, whatever ou want to call it...

so, somehow, death is the instantanious transition from 0 to lightpseed+ ?
afterall many people with near death experiances see a tunnel of light... and seeing figures in the light... and Einstein showed that to travel near the speed of light you would develope a 'tunnel vision' seeing the future, present and past in a tunnel like perception. the tunnel would be blue at the center of your perception then as you reached the edges the color would shift to red, blue is normaly brighter and more intense of a light to our perception then red. so as you die you acceerate so fast your seeing people of your future ( in front of you) , present ( half ways in your field of vision) and past ( out to the edges of your circular vision) all at once as you make the transion to a non physicial existance?

If "I" was a creationist, i would be hot on the trail to pick up where Einstien left off to attempt to prove SCIENTIFICLY life after death and so on...

being that I'm not. I find it very intresting till my head hurts, then I go get a soda and watch Police Academy

Last edited by Grimber; 08/17/06 19:08.