Well.. okay maybe I also work on it because I like the story it tells (I already made up a new world for my game^^)!
A story about a dumbass p.i. with a fable for big guns (hey! sounds like Sledge Hammer^^)!
By the way.. what the hell are the Cramp twin *have to google*?
I named Wayne like this because I think the name is somehow 'funny'^^....
Yeah I know it`s not that creative but I`m not in the mood to make up a better name^^!
I don`t think that I will have lots of time in the next days to work on the project but I will try to post new screens in the next week (around wednesday ).


http:\\www.cybergurke.de.vu letztes Update: 02.08.2006 ---------------------------- Aktuelle Projekte: -P.I. Storys