@frazzle: I don`t think that there is a chanel called like this in germany but I might be wrong..^^

First thank you for your kind words (I hope you don`t mind me keeping the thread in english).
But I was realy shocked when I read that you played the game (or do you mean the video?!? ). As far as I know I haven`t published a demo version yet^^!
To the level topic: Like I mentioned in the first post (faaaaaaaar at the end of the post using the edit function^^') the game is made with fake 2d what is pretty easy to do.
Like you assumed the level is done with blocks.
You simply have to texture one side of the block and set on all other sides of the block the "none" flag. This way you get the illusion of a 2d-world!
I already got a pm in which somebody asked me the same thing.
I always thought that it would be obvious how this effect is made.

To everyone who is also interrested in this topic:
The first game (well.. lets call it a testlevel^^) I made this way was a "Super Mario Land 1" like game (also without colors^^).
If there is enough interrest in the community in such a game I could contribute it (maybe with a small documentation on how I made the 'game').
I was always ashamed of the script I wrote and the graphics I made for the game so I never showed it to the community.
If there is enough interrest I will have to rewrite most of the script and I don`t have much time to work on my projects at the moment anyway (soon I have hollidays^^) so it would take some time till I will be able to contribute it.
If the small explenation I gave is enough just say it^^.

Back to my game:

I wasn`t able to work much on the game so there are no real changes till now but I will be able to show some new screens at weekend.
I want to show some examples of the comic strips that link the levels so you can give me some tips on the comic style.
I also want to present some main charakters that are pretty important for the story soon.
Hmm... till now I always kept what I promised so I hope I will be able to show all of this at the weekend to the community!

Thanks and keep on posting,

http:\\www.cybergurke.de.vu letztes Update: 02.08.2006 ---------------------------- Aktuelle Projekte: -P.I. Storys