
Bah, that's such a copout. Philosophical positions may lead to paradoxes, but they normally aren't paradoxes themselves.

This from someone who then says:

You guys are the ones saying relativism is an absolute truth

This is nonsensical...

No one is saying relativism is an absolute truth, you just use bizare extremes to attemp to reduce our arguments.

Anyway, regardless of that, how do you respond to my earlier point, that morality ought to flexible, to allow chnaging moral standards to suit various present and future circumstances? If all morality is absolute, then it can never change.

Who then determines the absolute moral code? You? The Bible? Because as shown before, the Bible is full of contradictory moral statements. On one hand, the OT says we should murder homosexuals, and Jesus in the NT says "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" (paraphrased).

The Bible then implicitly confirms that morality is relative; it is dependent on context.

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