
"Consequences for your actions and aging effects." is the gayest idea i've heard of in a while , why would u wanna make ur player age and get slower and loose accurancy as u progress in the game , shouldnt u get faster and stronger

Uh, I'm glad it is the most happy idea you've heard in a while.

The reason *I* would want to make a player character age and get slower/less accurate in a game like GTA is simply to make it a challenge to not get 'caught' being a completely sadistic, moronic a-hole. When you get caught, you go to jail. Jail time isn't "15 seconds as the game reloads". I think the thing that puts me off games like GTA is the pointlessness of it all. There is no actual 'challenge' to the game; you run around being an malcontented anti-social idiot until you die. Whoo...yay. Lots of fun there. (that was sarcasm).

Adding a simple drawback as "age" to the game would make it MUCH more fun for people who have fun by being challenged....as opposed to just doing whatever the hell they want with no regard for anything but themselves. Put it in the game as an option, even, best of both worlds.

At any rate, I do like the idea of a sort of 'community resource' project; levels, static objects, sounds, music, etc. That could be pretty nice indeed!


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

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