I have a small question to ask

This could be regarded as more of a discussion question. I'd like to know, which one is better for creating fps weapons, whether it is the view entity method used by grimber in his tutorials, or the actual 3d entity used by the xpire AI demo.. I've noticed several advantages and disadvantages for both, and I'd like to know a way around them if they exist:

View entites:
No need to change their position relative to player every time
Do not go into walls

Do not receive level lighting
Cannot be removed or created in functions

Normal entities:
Receive level lighting
Can be removed and created [needed]

Go into walls [needed]
Must be moved to position in front of player every time

Remember, ultimately the point of this topic is not to discuss which is better (although you can do so), but to find a way to stop these from happening. The ones with [needed] have priority - I need these to be fixed to continue