Thxn for the C&C, I really appriciate it !!!!
Now my replies :
@ ZZZ games
Thxn !!!!

@ The Expert & Capanno
I know it isn't the best detailed skin and the model's shape can always
be better but I made this at MY way and I'm happy with it
By the way, I always wanted to make a 'pretty' shaped LOW POLY MODEL and I think I succeded in that point !!!!

@ The rest
I think you are all right about the shape, I mis scaled it abit
BUT I rescaled it and this is the result:

The first two are the same as my first post, only that the gun is scaled or been brought in proportion with the arms:

The last two are also screens where the gun is been brought in proportion with the arms but the arm which holds the gun is been replaced underneed the gun close to the trigger away from the ammo clips:

Now it's your turn again, just tell me:



Do you think that the gun is in good proportion with the arms
multiple choice, up to 1 choices
57%, 16 Votes
43%, 12 Votes
Total Votes: 28
Voting on this poll ends: 07/15/06 19:04
Do you like the skin (detailed, not to big, ...)
multiple choice, up to 1 choices
70%, 19 Votes
30%, 8 Votes
Total Votes: 27
Voting on this poll ends: 07/15/06 19:04
Which position for the hand is the best
multiple choice, up to 1 choices
Holding the ammo clip
68%, 19 Votes
Underneed the gun near the trigger
32%, 9 Votes
Total Votes: 28
Voting on this poll ends: 07/15/06 19:04

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