ummm... my names FoxZero, not Foxfire. It's right my ranking which is above my avatar. LOL Just messin' man.

Why would an American use a Nazi gun? LOL Sorry, since I don't know what time period your game takes place I can only speculate that it takes place during WWII (I couldn't imagine a modern American soldier using such out of date weaponry). I only suggested the Nazi skin because I didn't know it was for a game. If you stated this before I apoligize. You the hell would make a game where you play as a Nazi?

Now that I see the wire frame it seems like most of the polies went to the hands and arms (which aren't yours). The gun seems too low poly. The barrel appears to be a rectangle. The gun itself is below Quake 2 standards. This gun works great for third person but for a first person view of it you should add more detail. Make the barrel rounder and add little stuff like a place for the shell casings to eject. Just my suggestion.

One last thing? Why don't you like the word Nazi? I don't mind the word Nazi, but I really hate Nazis. You know what word I don't like? Duh. It's not a word but so many people say it and it drives me nuts! I'm justplayin man. It's really late and I should go to bed LOL.

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R.I.P. Dave Williams