what i posted abouv is all you need codewise. 2 bitmaps are needed as well, skin1(normalmap) and skin2(cubemap).

save what i posted under "fx file" as "watershader.fx" and put it in your main directory (nowhere else, it's required to put it there).

save what i put under "wdl" as "watershader.wdl", include it in your main script. define two bitmaps at the very beginning of your script,
bmap water_bump=<yourbumpmap.tga>;
bmap water_cube=<yourcubemap.tga>;

now add "load_water_fx()" in your main(). that's all.

a cubvemap would be too large to upload, get one maybe from earthcontrol.de (ello's site).
the bump map i use is this:

DL it, it's a *.png. you need to resave it as *.tga with alpha channlen, 32 bit uncompressed.