The example you have here has the option of assigning more the one bone per vertex. Our problem is that every vertex can have one bone. It is not only the stretching problem but, we are rotating bones in great angles and thus polygons pop up at different angles.

We are going for every possible move a player can perform. And the body can twist and turn at very many angles. We are yet to find a model that would suit our needs.

If any body has an example model that they think, can be used to perform any kind of moves then please let us have an example, so that we can really decide that if is it really possible to have a model that can perform any kind of move without much degradation.

We are doing sweep kicks, hand-stand attacks, jump kicks, sommersaults, flips, and many other unique moves with the models. And have not found any ultimate single mesh model that would fit our animation requirements.

My Specialities Limited.