Cool that it worked

For the tilt ..You can change the tilt by two ways.
The camera function is called from player_move action with the line " update_views();"

1)So when you look at the function update_views() ,you can see there is the 8th line of the function that says "camera.tilt = - tilt_3rd;" .
So you can change directly the tilt with a numeric value here instead of the tilt_3rd var.


2)tilt_3rd is a var defined in the first lines before the functions ...
Its defined in the 6th line of the whole script you posted ..And it says "var tilt_3rd = 30;"
So you can change the value of the variable there.

This is how ,imho you can change the tilt ...But i am not sure since i cant test it.

Its a pleasure to play around with A6. : go try & buy Streetkicker