Hi Eagle,

I'm no expert on sprites, but all the information on them is in the part of the manual that deals with entities in general (ie they have no separate section) - beginning around p.92 or thereabouts. They have some specific flags such as oriented/facing, and the nofilter flag is useful for getting rid of that black outline you get on Voodoo cards etc. The rest of the flags are pretty much the same as for all entities.

As for collision detection, the sprite collision detection is again mentioned in the "collision detection" section that talks about all entities (p.99). This is what I could find specific to sprites:

"For sprite entities, its origin is the geometric centre of the bitmap. For map or model entities, the
origin is its coordinate origin given by the editor."

"min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z
The bounding box corners of the entity, relative to the entities’ origin, used for collision
detection against other sprite or model entities"

So if you are having collision problems you probably have to adjust the origin or mess around with the min and max values.

Hope that's of some help.