what?! the beginning of the beginning?
i can understand sequels of good movies or some where story is left to be told. but this is getting rediciulous.
we all know how the villains (joker, penguin aso) died. why prequeling or explaining all this stuff again.

as a big batman fan (even liked the trashy series because it was way too funny) all of this is killing it.
while part one (a really good one and the one and only real batman movie) and part two where good, cloney and schwarzi killed the last bit of sense in this movies.

batman begins 1 was simply very boring to watch (the only good thing was his training and they should have stoped there ) and i dont give bb2 good chances based on what we heared so far.

of course it will get "darker" and "more shifted to an older audience" and blah, blah but to be honest i dont buy this anymore.
they said that about star wars as well and it was a piece of junk compared to the originals.

i still say not everything ever written into a book should find his way on the screen


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