
i think this is wishful thinking. i cant imagine (it still hasnt happened as well) a big company paying millions on licensing and then to transform and swap a whole running and selling product.

I don't think you understand. This IS a brand new franchise. Batman Begins has jack and crap to do with Batman, Batman Returns, B Forever, and B & R. It is not the same continuity. Yes, a big company has paid millions of dollars and essentially dumped an entire already existing continuity and started over. However, this is old news from about 3 years ago, yet you don't seem to understand that. Batman Forever and Batman & Robin completely ruined the old franchise. This is why they started over with people who actually care about the property and have done it justice. This is official info....WB has come out and said it's a new start(starting with Batman Begins), so wishful thinking my ass. TDK will continue this and take it even further into the darkness within this new Christopher Nolan/David Goyer created universe....as they should.


fact is that batman need to be rated 12+ years to attract most customers. so there goes everything that could make a movie dark or the joker some sort of scary villain.
same with movies like spiderman or star wars. if you aim for teenagers or the broad mass as audience you simply cant produce 3 things:
+scary and dark atmosphere
+complicated plot
+deep character development

Batman is rated 12+(PG-13 in the US). The PG-13 of today is not the PG-13 of 10 years ago. Films that get that rating today would have probably been a soft R around that time. And, you're wrong on your 3 things that you can't have if you aim for a lower market. I simply don't know what a lower rating has to do with any of it, and given the fact that BB disproves this, as well as a multitude of other films, the point is moot. Also, they aren't aiming at a lower market, and there's no reason to make it R if it doesn't need to be. There doesn't need to be a bunch of unnecessary swearing, sex and nudity, or extreme violence to make a Batman film. Also, the US versions of "The Ring" and "The Grudge" scared the living hell out of a lot of people, and it was rated PG-13. A perfectly, dark and spooky Joker can be done in a 21st Century, PG-13 movie.

However, neither one of us has seen what they are going to do with it, nor seen an millimeter of footage given they haven't even started, yet. So, let's not get too positive or negative either way until we do. However, I'm not going to play the negative card for reasons that make little sense or go against what I know to be true.


so bb2 will be as spiderman3 or any other blockbuster in the last 4 years: a flat and hollow arrangement of special effects combined with a easy and predictable story and no real character development at all.

and this is ok because movies like this should be made as well. but to be honest i would rather see another batman

BB1 was not a "flat and hollow arrangement of special effects combined with an easy and predictable story and no real character development." The characters were well developed, and most of the special effects were practical. There was little CGI in it. The entire collapsing train sequence at the end was a large model that was enhanced with a few CGI tricks(mainly compositing).

Anyway, you haven't seen Spider-man 3, and you have no idea if it will be "flat and hollow." The first two certainly were not. Those two films were about as great of a Spider-man movie as you're going to get.

You are going to see another Batman, and it's called The Dark Knight.

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