the problem starts if you think movies like spiderman are good ones. I was bored to death or wished i would go deaf so at least i wont have to hear all the babbling.
Though i like comics i dont think that they should be copied 1:1 onto the screen since movies have other fields to cover then a book can do (and the other way round).

i also dont agree that "oh, this will all get darker and meaner and so on and so forth" promoting of the companies. none has so far and none will ever.

and the younger the sequels are the worse they get.
alien 1 was one of my favorite movies -> AvsP was a [censored] joke
anyone seen miami vice. now tell me more about how got sequels or remakes are that are "daker" then the original

same goes for bb1. its not bad while he is in training (also thanks to his tutor) but everything else is just boring. and its not "meaner", "more vicious" or "darker" then batman 1.

the point about the rating is simple:
you dont present the same dish for different audience. while kids love pizza and burgers this doesnt have to stay that way.
and please dont tell me now either batman begins nor spiderman had a plot or any bit more of a story then my breakfast today.
making a remake puts you into a difficult situation because people know the stories, so you will have to find a balance between what is known and entertain them with twists and unexpected news that still fit into the sheme.

i get your point about that you think bb2 will not be a sequel or something similar because a new "team" is behind it.
but if ther is one thing i have learned from big companies: never change a running system.
if the old batman sells the old batman is what you will get and thats the end of story.
nobody pays that much for a lizense to rewrite it 100%.
first of all the risks are to high to lose the old batman fans and it simply doesnt pay off.

and even if everything would be rewritten and remade do you really think this movie will aim to a chosen part of the audience (people who like comics, action movie fans and so on). definitely not.
it will cover as much ground as it can to attract as much audience as it can.
and fact is that if you try to please everyone you wont have a good product.

batman begins 2 will need to be:
+easy to understand or no "once in a while" movie viewers will see it
+a love story or no female audience will accept 2 hours of leather wearing males on screen
+lots of effects (i am not talking about cgi...effect in general no matter how they are made) or teenager will rate it "lame"

this of course doesnt fit to all cinema users but does fit onto the broad market of them (80-90% maybe). and the company who bought the batman franchise will rather aim at those 80% then on the 20% left.

its like in the game industry. adventure titles are a dead nuttshell according to the publisher though this is not right. some of the best games i remember have been adventures or at least had lots of adventure impact.
the problem with those games are the needed involement of the player. you can not play any adventure once in a while or you wont be able to get suck into the whole theme.
result: the 230483948030849 world war shoter will be released next month and hit double platinum. and adventure games will not.

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