
and fact is that if you try to please everyone you wont have a good product.

Well, I have to disagree, Pirates of the Carribean II is a good example of how they can infact do almost everything right imho. It's is one of those movies who IS trying to please everyone if you ask me. It has action, humor, romance a good story and plenty of interesting events in it for everyone. They even did a pretty good job with Miami Vice if you ask me, but they might as well get rid of the Miami Vice title, it's a good action movie with plenty of interesting things, but it's not really like Miami Vice the series back then, but should it have been like that? (Okey, I admit Collin Farrel can't act like a tough guy at all, but his buddy fully makes up for that )

I'm really looking forward to this whole wave of movies, mostly sequel unfortunately, but hopefully very good once. Spiderman 3, Batman Returns 2: The Dark Knight, Pirates of the Carribean 3 and Aliens vs. Predator II and way more on the way ...


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