A few tidbits:

The teaser is rumored to be on the front of the The Simpsons movie this Friday or possibly even The Bourne Ultimatum. Here's a description:


I have seen The Dark Knight Teaser. I don't want to reveal everything...

It starts out with the WB logo gracing the screen, followed by the DC logo and the Legendary pictures logo. The screen goes black.

It opens back up as a commercial paid for by the friends of Harvey Dent. We are shown shots of him talking, making public speeches, and walking in a suit, while a deep voice comes on and talks about Harvey Dent. A generic politician commercial.

What seems to be halfway through the commercial, it is interrupted by static, and blacks out. Out of nowhere a crystal clear image comes onto the screen of a blacked out man with large windows behind him. The camera slowly zooms in on him. He's talking (about what I won't say) and as he finishes he begins laughing. Lightning strikes, lighting up his face, as the laughter grows more manic. Cut to black.

The Batman Begins (now The Dark Knight's bat) emblem is shown with the words The Dark Knight. Then it says Summer 2008 and has the website at the bottom.

What is said... is a surprise that I must keep for now. It gave me chills.

The Batcycle is officially called the Batpod. Here's a video of it in action:


You can see all of the current Joker pics and vidoes that are floating around out there here. There's one of him skateboarding in some kind of chase sequence:


It has been semi-confirmed that Anthony Michael Hall's character is that of Edward Nygma aka The Riddler. Cillian Murphy was spotted filming a scene in his Scarecrow garb, Mr. Zsasz, played by Tim Booth in Batman Begins, may show up again since he's still at large, and Aaron Eckhart, who plays Harvey Dent, has basically let the cat out of the bag and confirmed that Two-Face will show up in this movie at some point. Eric Roberts has been cast as Mob Boss Sal Maroni and that's who splashes the acid on him in the comics, so I'm assuming the same is going to happen here.

Michael Jai White (Spawn in the Spawn movie) plays another mob boss called Gamble.

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