Lots of new pics leaked out. These weren't put out by the studio, so somebody is probably going to get fired for this one. Some of these are obviously behind-the-scenes moments, and none of them are post-processed. Recall that Batman Begins had a brown tone to it and more blue at the beginning. There's nothing like that here, and those who saw actually footage at the San Diego Comic Con last week say these pics don't do it justice.

Also, notice that Cillian Murphy (Scarecrow in Begins) is sitting in one of the Batman imposters shots. I think there's a scene where a bunch of Batman villains ban together and dress up like him or something. I'm not too sure, and I'm trying to stay away from spoilers as much as possible from here on, but sometimes stuff slips by. Batman also is wearing both the suit from the previous film and the new, much more articulated version that allows him to turn his head and be much more agile than any previous incarnation of the modern, live action suits.

The Con trailer also confirms that Two-Face does make an appearance in the film. I'd bet it's near the end. Dent walks into a bar, and it only shows him from the back but some scarring is slightly visible on one side of his neck. The bartender says something like, "Harvey, I heard you were dead." and replies back, "Half."

The only thing I'm not liking is that Bale is no where as bulky as he was in the last one. He's much more Patrick Bateman from American Psycho looking here than Bruce Wayne.

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