
Actually push won't work for wmb's if your just trying to set the push value lower then the player, say for instance -1, you'll stick into it, I spoke to support about this a couple weeks ago, They mentioned somthing about it taking to much processing power or somthing... Although that part of the manual should be changed, according to the manual it should work...
One way I have figured out if your going to use transparent is save as prefab, open the object in med, then save it as an mdl, you can then use lower push values then the player and walk right thru it... If you want to stop your npc's on this object have them ignore push values and they will collide with it, like any other model...

According to the other topic, passable will be treated as water on wmb's, if I'm reading dougs post right, but using mdl's seems to be a valid work around, at least it was for me on this problem...

Another thing I was thinking was about scanning water texture names, all textures would have a name of water001, water002 and so on... then instead of checking for content passible for water, I get texture name then check if contents passible && tex_name == water... then we'd know for sure we have a water block, I use this method for detecting ground for my footstep code, so my sound changes according to surfaces I step on...
although this wouldnt be good for the templates because not everyone will know to rename all there water textures...

In short, try the MDL method..

Hope any of this helps
