Hiya again,

Some other things to note on using models im discovering, as the size of the model gets larger the collision detection seems to get worse..
Also when tracing on models, if the trace hits at an angle it seems to detect the model, but when tracing straight on seems to go right thru it, mabey I can explain better with some ascii art...
               point A
npc<- |-----| point B

Ok this is MDL block but larger then a standard large block sized up alittle...
When tracing to point A. I return a hit on the model everytime, but when tracing to point B. it goes thru the model everytime, Im using use_box in trace_mode, and in the level point B is clearly behind the model...
This would all be so much easier if we could just push thru wmb's.. =(

Anywho, the saga continues.. =)
