Hi Again,
Just answering a few more questions from everyone :-)

First off, don't be worried about it being a virus, we used Python (a scripting language) to code alot of Model Pro and we actually heard from someone who said this came up with McAfree before, but it's just something to do with the virus software not liking python.

Secondly, you can import .OBJ files into Model Pro! (joy) you just drop them into the directory: My Documents\My CB Models\Subdivision Import
the only downside is these models must be very low poly...( please open the examples in that directory in your other model program and then look at the result when loaded into Model Pro to see what I mean )

and lastly the best news!! CB Model Pro is free!!! once you register keep your key, because it's yours forever! no fees involved! Just create awesome stuff!

Hope this helps answer some more questions. thanks everyone.

Lily n'S!D issues #1 / #2 OUT NOW!!! get them at:www.strik3comix.com get CBMODELPRO for FREE! at:cbmodelpro.com