No suggestion?
Sometimes I doubt that the problem shoudn't occur.
I searched the forum, it seems that no one faced the strange problem.
Recently, I found a new thing. When clientA clicks clientB, the clientB's entity pointer indeed pass to the clientA.

function fun_LocalEvent()
my.transparent = on;
ent_you = me;
pan_show.visible = on;

function fun_ClickLocal()
if(connection == 2)
my.enable_click = on;
my.event = fun_LocalEvent;

After testing, the clientB become transparent after the clientA click it.
But just as before, the health is always zero only when the client rejoin the game.
Why on earth the clientB's health can't pass to clientA correctly?
It's always zero, zero, zero......:(
I'm tired although, I will keep trying.

Last edited by anfuncy; 08/08/06 13:48.