OK well I really liek that earlier example:

What if God poofed into being for the entire world to see ( even allowed himself to be on camera despite not having the opportunity to apply makeup).

What if then..people go: Jesus?..


Person 2: Allah?...


P3: Buddha (?) ?...

God:.. Fraid not...

Everyone:..Who are you? What's your name?...

God:..Goddy G. Goderson.

I sense billions of people having mental breakdowns having found out that their lifelong beliefs were incorrect.

I think that's the reason that if there is a God ( not neccesarily one by our definition but the being reaponsible for our creation nonetheless) and he is still alive, that's the reason he doesnt show. We couldnt handle a society/civilization altering truth like that. I think he/she/it kind of trusted us to make our own truth and deal with it that way because Earth and God are far too alcient an inquiry for us to know now.

Tho.. what if one day we uncover an actual vocally expressed message left behind by what did create us.. and it explained everything? Would we accept it and move on, now knowing the truth or would the powers that be lock it away never to be revealed..?

It occurs to me that humans revise these holy books, humans keep secrets from one another and humans perpetuate religious beliefs. No one within those 3 circles wants to know the truth because it either conflicts with their interests or attacks them too personally.

I think it'll be a few hundred million years before we come anywhere near the actual truths of our existence or origins. We just want so badly to be right here, now, and today.

I think I know the begginings of it.. its starting to make logical and scientific sense..( as the truth must) but the minute I explain this to a person who's far too religious to really give this a timeshare of their cognitive thought, it.. pretty much get's dismissed.

In order to find the truth and be genuinely enlightened, humans have to be less willing to sheep into the creations of other men.. and more willing to be candid, exploratory and accepting of the truth. We have to get out of this attitude that we know everything and accept first that we dont.

About ET's tho.. almost no religious reference makes room for life beyond earth. While they may not disavow it, they conveniently make earth the center of creation and man the focus of creation, perdition, and such. Texts that limited in a universe truly as vast as ours tell to me that they came from man.

If they were originally written by a divinity, I doubt we could comprehend it. The authors thinking would be so far advanced and so much of a larger scale than our own.. it would be a big mouth burger on which we would only be capable of taking one nibble at a time. Aliens exist, so if God wrote about the universe, the existence and role of other societies would have to be a little more than just " not mentioned... but not left out either".

You just dont tell a story about the universe and leave out reference all other life in the universe. A book of origin is supposed to be written with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That's how, to me, you can tell most religious texts were not written nor inspired by divinity. They may have been written by the wisest of the wise and then edited a few times by the powers that be.. that's what it seems to me they were.. but just too humanity specific to be crafted by a God (by ours or any definition warranting the title).

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