Are there any direct remarks in the bible about extraterrestrials, as in something 'not originating from earth'? Just curious.


i never found a passage in the bible saying
"And God Stopped Creating"

I never found a passage in the bible saying he likes pizza, doesn't really mean he doesn't like pizza, he just never said so. But you knew that, off course.


You just dont tell a story about the universe and leave out reference all other life in the universe. A book of origin is supposed to be written with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That's how, to me, you can tell most religious texts were not written nor inspired by divinity. They may have been written by the wisest of the wise and then edited a few times by the powers that be.. that's what it seems to me they were.. but just too humanity specific to be crafted by a God (by ours or any definition warranting the title).

Okey, so any flaw in the bible would discredit it as being the truth and nothing but the truth. Enough said I guess. The text isn't as perfect as most claim, for example it doesn't have answers to ALL questions, so how can it be the truth, the only truth and nothing but the truth? But yeah, that's a whole different topic.


a) Archeologists discover the original of the bible, and find that it on the last page contains a statement "This book is wrong".

b) The Lord himself appears in a blinding flash of light, a heavy document folder under his arm, and exclaims "Sorry - the bible was published a little too hasty. Here's the correction!".

Hahaha lol , but no, those people definately would simply disbelief the archaeological find is authentic. I'm currently working at an archaeological site ( (sorry, dutch only) ) and you'd be surprised how many visitors simply walk away saying they simply don't believe the finds are as old as they are and they even accuse us of misleading people.
The area of Ede, or more precisely Bennekom is pretty religious, more specifically Jehova's, so it's not really a surprise to me to hear that they don't believe us. But it is fact we actually hold the evidence right there in our hands, right there before their faces ... Some even said something along this line "yeah, very cool finds, but no it's put there in the ground by God, simply because God wants to test our faith in Him". Jup jup, I guess we can wave any evidence good-bye then, with these kind of responses ..

sligtly OT, but also relevant in the bigger picture hehehehe :


I sense billions of people having mental breakdowns having found out that their lifelong beliefs were incorrect.

Uuuh, yeah, if only it worked like that ... billions of people are infact having a lifelong belief that's 100% incorrect. Doesn't really matter if one is right, because others will be wrong. That fact alone still doesn't convince anyone to stop believing what they are believing in now and they are selfish enough to not even realise it's actually pretty plain stupid to think you can actually know wether or not God exists, wether it's the Buddha, Allah or simply God or your kindergarten teacher with magical powers ...

It's all equally as wrong, simply because we can't know and chances are the current most popular religions aren't more right than someone stating God is an evil Spaghetti Monster eating misbehaving Macaroni's all day long ... Turn it around all you like, but it's like a circle, it's round, so people please wake up and stop imagining it's a rectangle with perfect 90 degrees angles. Thank you.

There is enough evidence on this planet to discredit most religions, of course billions of people would disagree, simply because they believe in (a) God, whatever that means. Lol, d o t h é y e v e n k n o w? No offence to anyone more religious than I am, but they should realize that it's pointless. No claim is valid without evidence, no nice bedtime story will change that, nor 1000s pages of text will, which suposedly are pretty old and never rewritten (yeah right ).

Think of it like this, I have made a drawing of something abstract, not a circle, not a rectangle and not a triangle, however it has features of all of those forms mixed into a very complicated piece of eeuhm 'art'. Now imagine this 'art' would be God. Off course you haven't seen this 'art' yet, so how the [censorredd] could you know exactly what it looks like? Yeah, because that's exactly what some people think to now ...

('knowing what it looks like' would be equal to understanding more or less the concept of whatever God would be out there, what he would think is wrong to do and other of those more specific details, some if not all of which are mentioned in the bible or any other religious text as if they now them for truth and nothing less.)

Okey, and now you may forget everything I've just said, because who knows, I can be wrong just like everybody else.
However demanding some evidence before believing in anything sounds pretty reasonable to me.


Last edited by PHeMoX; 08/25/06 18:53.