what i don't understand is why other christians will say "the world couldn't be billions of years old", i do not agree. In the original hebrew context of the bible it states that God "began to create", not "created it in one day". Alot of what you read in the bible has changed since the original translation, not to mention there are parts of the bible that were taken out after it was written (search for "the lost books of the bible"). The reason extraterrestrials weren't mentioned is the bible is not about what went on out of our planet, it teaches on God's relation to man. It merely mentions that God created animals and the earth, the meaning of the bible is not to explain about "other" life forms. Well, i'll just leave you with this word, i hope i didn't go against anyone's beliefs, if so i'm sorry, i'm not here to tell you that you're wrong.

Cheers, enjoy the debate. (don't fight now)

- aka Manslayer101