

b) The Lord himself appears in a blinding flash of light.

It is in the bible, if you would see God face to face then you would be dead...

Come on, think about it, it's another quite ridiculous claim in the bible trying to keep you from thinking about it some more if you ask me. If something could be seen, then by chance someone would have, okey, given there's enough time.

Yes, so they claim it's impossible to see God and live, and expect that you'd give up thinking about it. However by this statement, don't they actually admit the fact that he quite literally can't be found? If you can't see him, never, then what infact would define him as being 'real'? In case you believe you will see him/her/it in heaven, then that's fine with me, however by that time yours as well as my brain activities are both zero, so we will never actually know and off course not live to tell.

Statements like 'if you see him, then you must be dead' smell fishy to me. Again, how do they know? One of them had any first-hand experience with this or what?!


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