Blah.. when I think God.. I dont think in terms of the tall tales written by mankind.

I dont think we have the slightest clue or inclinct as to the nature of "God", other than him being incomprehensibly powerful. Powerful beyond anything we know.. because we're a young species. The fact that we have made all these tall tales and holified everything some king at some point has told us to..and that modern man still buys these tales fullheartedly.. or feels arrogant as to say we sprang from nothing at all.. skews our ability to properly investigate God.

It can't be imposible to see God..if it is or was a living breathing physical entity.. it, or its remains, can be seen.

What we have there is a convenience item, as someone mentioned, so that that point is never called to question. Most religions have several of these convenient stop points. In their purest form, I believe they were meant to indicate what we dont yet need to know..but in their adulterated forms.. probably things which threaten the religion itself.

I'm ICEman, and I approved this message.