Firstly, let me say after some time being away from 3dgs, is good to see quality people still giving back to the community. David, good job and I for one appreciate the sharing!

So, I decided to stick your model and scripts into a level I've been toying with for some time - a cavern system of tunnels. They are complex and quite narrow at times. I noted some behaviors of the player script that I have documented with screenies (these were "taken" in windowed mode, using the latest release of 3dgs [v6.50.6]) and running your player script as is:

First one is working just fine - but posted here so you can see how "tight" the space is he has to navigate:

Second - further down that corridor he just "floated" outside:

note the shadow as well. Could that be the cause - casting shadows in tight spaces?

Third, here as he was navigating a corner, the camera did not detect the walls and positioned itself outside - again, note the shadow:

Finally, three shots of both the left and right walls "gone". Note in both wall gone screenies, the sword is piercing the wall (improper scan for collision?):

I really like the player movement ALOT. Thought I would post these here to help in the development of the script. I haven't yet looked through the code closely and run some modification to see if I can help with it's development. But if you have any ideas as to what might help fix it - please post.

Thanks again for the excellent contribution.


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