We tested the registration again with several differnt mail addresses and providers, everything worked perfect. I also don't think that there is a problem with your mail address. Because, the error messages in the current beta are a bit unclear and often handle many problems, it probably failed to send the mail for some reason.

Since there's also no account created with one of your mails (the account is created before sending the mail), you can try to restart the Wave Client and try to create an account again. If it still not works, there are 3 possible problems:

A. Internet Not Active (Please check this)
B. Internet Too Slow (We successfully tested WAVE with 56k connections)
C. Internet Not detected (If so, we can do nothing against it, so lets hope it is not this here)

(D. Any other unknown problem with the connection)

I'm very sure that it is a problem with the Connection, since, as I said, the error messages are very unclear at the moment and a not existing connection is not noticed yet , the first function which would notice is the mail sending function.

best regards

Your friendly mod is at your service.