

Do you mean in general or just for accesing Directx methods ?
I would like to use C++ just for some AI applications ( FSM, neural.. etc)
For rendering, gameplay,collision etc I keep usinc cscript
What do you think ?


I would create classes for all of the messy structures and API functions. So, one would not have to do the following:

myEnt.Pan+= INT2FIX(20);


// In the class method, do the conversion under the hood.....
// To the outside world, it is an int.....

The big chunk of work is sitting down and figuring out a class structure; beyond that, most of the work is tedious wrapping of the structures and methods.

Finally, I would put it in a static LIB or DLL and just use it in your games. I just found it too messy. I really wish they had just used classes instead of functions and structures..... They did exist in C++ when the original A4 code was written.


Total_Stupidity = (Ben_Roethlisberger + Motorcycle) - Helmet