I had a skycube show up on my scene last week, but I had to redo my folders and re-build the level and now I can't get the skycube to show up.

I have something wrong.

Can someone look over these scripts and spot where problem is??

If problem not in them, then where?

Most of these are unchanged templates from the Template_6 folders.

// A6 main wdl:
// Created by WED.

// The PATH keyword gives directories where template files can be found.
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template_6"; // Path to A6 templates directory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template_6\\code"; // Path to A6 template code subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template_6\\images"; // Path to A6 template image subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template_6\\sounds"; // Path to A6 template sound subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template_6\\models"; // Path to A6 template model subdirectory

// Filename of the starting level.
string level_str = <porch1.WMB>; // give file names in angular brackets

sky cube5

// Included files
include <gid01.wdl>; // global ids
include <display00.wdl>; // basic display settings
include <plSelect.wdl>;
include <levels00.wdl>;
include <cameraTarget.wdl>;
include <miscInput01.wdl>;
include <plBipedInput01.wdl>;
include <bipedPhy01.wdl>;
include <bipedAnim01.wdl>;
include <bipedSnd01.wdl>;
include <plBiped01.wdl>;
include <trigger00.wdl>;
include <door01.wdl>;
include <cameraSelect.wdl>;
include <camera1stPerson01.wdl>;

// Desc: The main() function is started at game start
function main()
// set some common flags and variables
// freeze all entity functions
freeze_mode = 1;
// no level has been loaded yet...
gid01_level_state = gid01_level_not_loaded;

// entry: Warning Level (0,1, or 2)
// entry_help: Sets sensitivity to warnings (0 = none, 1 = some, 2 = all).
warn_level = 2; // announce bad texture sizes and bad wdl code

// entry: Starting Mouse Mode (0, 1, or 2)
mouse_mode = 0;

// wait 3 frames (for triple buffering) until it is flipped to the foreground

// now load the level

wait(2); // let level load
// level should be loaded at this point...
gid01_level_state = gid01_level_loaded;

//+++ load starting values

// un-freeze the game
freeze_mode = 0;

// save start of game here
wait(6); // allow time for functions that wait for "gid01_level_loaded" to load
file_delete("start0.SAV"); // remove any old savefile
if( game_save("start",0,SV_ALL) <= 0)
diag("\nWARNING! main - Cannot save 'start' of level (ignore on restarts).");
diag("\nWDL: main - Game 'start' saved.");

// main game loop
if(gid01_level_state != gid01_level_loaded)
freeze_mode = 1; // pause the game
while(gid01_level_state != gid01_level_loaded) { wait(1); }
freeze_mode = 0; // resume the game


// Desc: this is the function used to restart the game.
function main_restart_game()
// wait 3 frames (for triple buffering) until it is flipped to the foreground

// freeze the game
freeze_mode = 1;

if( game_load("start",0) <= 0)
diag("\nWARNING! main_restart_game - Cannot load 'start' of level.");
diag("\nWDL: main_restart_game - Game 'start' loaded");

// un-freeze the game
freeze_mode = 0;

// Desc: this is the function used to quit the game.
function main_quit()
//+++ // save global skills & strings

// The following definitions are for the pro edition window composer
// to define the start and exit window of the application.
TITLE "3D GameStudio";
SIZE 480,320;
BG_COLOR RGB(240,240,240);
FRAME FTYP1,0,0,480,320;
// BUTTON BUTTON_START,SYS_DEFAULT,"Start",400,288,72,24;
TEXT_STDOUT "Arial",RGB(0,0,0),10,10,460,280;

/* no exit window at all..
TITLE "Finished";
SIZE 540,320;
BG_COLOR RGB(0,0,0);
TEXT_STDOUT "",RGB(255,40,40),10,20,520,270;

SET FONT "",RGB(0,255,255);
TEXT "Any key to exit",10,270;

//INCLUDE <debug.wdl>;

///////////////////THE DISPLAY00 WDL FILE ////////////

ifndef display00_wdl;
define display00_wdl;

// ver: 2
// date: 040505

// title: Display
// image: display.pcx
help: The display represents the screen that all windows are rendered to.

// needs: gid01.wdl

// prefix: display00_
// idcode: 00A

// section: General Settings

// entry: Screen Resolution
// entry_help: Set the initial screen resolution.
// entry_help: Note: Some resolutions may not be available on all video cards.
// entry_help:or for all versions of GStudio.
// entry_help: 1 - 320x200, 2 - 320x240, 3 - 320x400, 4 - 400x300,
// entry_help: 5 - 512x384, 6 - 640x480, 7 - 800x600, 8 - 1024x768
// entry_help: 9 - 1280x960, 10 - 1400x1050, 11 - 1600x1200
// cntl: spin 1 11 1
// id: 1
var video_mode = 7; // 800x600

// entry: Color Depth
// entry_help: Video color depth. Can be set to 16 (high-color) or 32 (true-color)
// cntl: spin 16 32 16
// id: 2
var video_depth = 16; // 16bit high-color

// entry: Force Full/Window?
// help: Force display to fullscreen (1) or windowed (2), or leave unchanged (0)
// cntl: spin 0 2 1
// id: 3
define display00_force_window_full_const = 0;

// entry: Watermark Loc
// help: Select the corner where the watermark will appear.
// help:(0-off, 1-4 select corner)
// cntl: spin 0 4 1
// id: 4
var logo = 0;

// section: Limits

// entry: Max Entities
// help: Set the maximum number of entities.
// cntl: spin 0 x x
// id: 5
var max_entities = 1000;

// entry: Max Particles
// help: Set the maximum number of Particles
// cntl: spin 0 x x
// id: 6
var max_particles = 2000;

// section: Frames Per Second (FPS)

// entry: FPS MAX
// help: Maximum frame per second (FPS)
// help: Note! TIME correction may not work at very high frame rates!
// cntl: spin 1 x 1
// id: 7
var fps_max = 60;

// entry: FPS MIN
// entry: Minimum frame per second (FPS)
// cntl: spin 1 x 1
// id: 8
var fps_min = 5;

// enable: FPS Lock
// help: Lock time step to maximum frame per second (FPS)
// id: 9
// var fps_lock = ON;

// section: Lighting

// entry: Max Dynamic
// entry_help: Gives the maxium number of dynamic lights (including the sun) that
// entry_help: can be active at the same time (Range: 2..8).
// cntl: spin 2 8 1
// id: 10
var max_lights = 8;

// enable: Dynamic Sun?
// help: Use directional light for sun?
// help: Note: This will use one of the dynamic lights.
// id: 11
var sun_light = 1;

// section: Shadow

// entry: Shadow Offset
// help: Set the distance that entity shadows are offset from the floor
// id: 12
var shadow_offset = 2.5;

// enable: Stencil Shadow
// help: Stencil shadows 'bend' around corners, and objects cast shadows on themselves.
// id: 52
var shadow_stencil = on;

// section: Entity Display Settings

// entry: Floor Range
// help: Set the range within which the light value of a entity is effected.
// cntl: spin 0 x 1
// id: 13
var floor_range = 1000;

// enable: Disable Trans. Sort
// help: (Advanced) Disable sorting of transparent entities
// id: 14
// var d3d_entsort = 0;

// enable: Share textures?
// help: (Advanced) Make map entities share texture with level and each other.
// id: 15
var tex_share = 1;

// section: Mouse

// entry: Mouse Icon
// help: Set the look of the windows mouse pointer when over the application window.
// entry_help: 0: The mouse pointer is always switched off over the window.
// entry_help: 1: The mouse pointer is switched off when mouse_mode is activated
// entry_help: and a mouse_map is set, otherwise it's a hand.
// entry_help: 2: Like 1, but the mouse pointer is the standard arrow.
// entry_help: 3: Like 1, but the mouse pointer is a crosshair.
// entry_help: 4: Like 1, but the mouse pointer is a hourglass.
// cntl: spin 0 4 1
// id: 20
var mouse_pointer = 0; // turn off mouse pointer

// section: Advanced Settings

// entry: Anisotopy
// help: Maximum level of anisotopy (0 - off)
// help: Used to help eliminate distortion in textures whose surfaces
// help:are oriented with respect to the screen plane.
// help: Set to a value greater than 1.0 to activate.
// id: 21
var d3d_anisotropy = 0;

// enable: Force Triple Buffer?
// help: (Advanced) Force triple buffering?
// id: 22
// var d3d_triplebuffer = 1;

// enable: Force VSync
// help: (Advanced) Force vertical sync?
// id: 24
// var d3d_vsync = 1;

// enable: Disable Mipmapping
// help: Deactivate mipmapping
// id: 26
// var d3d_mipmapping = 0;

// entry: Mipmap dist (flat)
// help: Set the relative distance for switching mipmap textures on flat surfaces
// id: 27
var mip_flat = 1.5;

// entry: Mipmap dist (shaded)
// help: Set the relative distance for switching mipmap textures on shaded surfaces
// id: 28
var mip_shaded = 1.0;

// enable: Adv. Light Res?
// help: Improve light resolution
// id: 29
// var d3d_lightres = 1;

// enable: Monochrome?
// help: Disable color lights
// id: 30
// var d3d_monochrome = 1;

// entry: Video mem reserve
// help: (Advanced) Set the amount of video memory reserved for non-managed textures.
// help:Use a negative value to let 3DGS set the memory reserve for you (recommended).
// id: 31
define display00_texture_reserve_const = -1;

// entry: Detail pixel num.
// help: Set the number of detail pixels per terrain surface pixel.
// id: 32
var detail_size = 4;

// An array of bit-encoded fields which tell which, if any, camera is
//currently assigned to update a particular camera.
// Index: 0:main view, 1-4: sub views 1-4
var display_active_camera_vec[5];

// Count of the number of active views
// default to just the main view (1)
var display_active_views = 1;

// section: Clip Ranges

// entry: Clip Factor
// help: Multiplier for the clipping range or world (BSP) polygons.
// help: Example: A value of 2 would clip world polygons at twice
// help:the distance as object polygons.
// id: 40
var clip_factor = 2.0;

// entry: Clip Particles
// help: Multiplier for the clipping range of particles.
// help: Example: A value of 0.5 would clip particles at half the
// help:distance as object polygons.
// id: 41
var clip_particles = 0.5;

// entry: Clip Size
// help: Minimum number of pixels a polygon must cover before being clipped.
// help: Example: a value of 0.5 would clip polygons whose size is less
// help:than half a pixel.
// id: 42
var clip_size = 0.5;

// function_help: Init display values
// Init values
// Update views using assigned update functions
starter Display00_Init()
// Init display

// entry: Near Camera clip
// help: Reduce this value if you can see through near objects
// cntl: spin 1 x 1
// id: 43
camera.clip_near = 10;

// entry: Far Camera clip
// help: Increase this value if objects vanish too soon.
// cntl: spin 1 x 1
// id: 44
camera.clip_far =50000;

// force a switch on the video modes if display00_force_window_full_const is set
if(display00_force_window_full_const != 0) { video_switch(0,0,display00_force_window_full_const); }

// section: Background Color

// entry: Red
// help: Set background color's red component.
// help: Note: if all three components are set to 0, no background color is drawn.
// cntl: spin 0 255 1
// id: 45
bg_color.red = 1;
// entry: Green
// help: Set background color's green component.
// help: Note: if all three components are set to 0, no background color is drawn.
// cntl: spin 0 255 1
// id: 46
bg_color.green = 1;
// entry: Blue
// help: Set background color's blue component.
// help: note: if all three components are set to 0, no background color is drawn.
// cntl: spin 0 255 1
// id: 47
bg_color.blue = 1;

// force texture reserve if display00_texture_reserve_const is set
if(display00_texture_reserve_const >= 0)
if (d3d_texreserved )
// reserve the amount asked for or half the amount available (whichever is less)
d3d_texreserved = min(display00_texture_reserve_const,d3d_texfree/2);

// section: Fog Settings

// entry: Fog color Index
// entry_help: Select the fog color from the Map Prop panel in WED.
// cntl: spin 0 5 1
// id: 52
fog_color = 2;

// entry: Fog Start
// help: Percent of clip_range until fog start
// help: There won't be any fog closer than fog_start
// id: 50
camera.fog_start = 50;
camera.fog_start /= 100;
if(camera.fog_start < 0) { camera.fog_start = 0; }

// entry: Fog End
// help: Percent of clip_range until fog end
// help: The world will be all foggy beyond fog_end
// id: 51
camera.fog_end = 80;
camera.fog_end /= 100;
if(camera.fog_end < 0) { camera.fog_end = 0; }

camera.fog_start = camera.fog_start * camera.clip_far; // fog at 80% of clip_range
camera.fog_end = camera.fog_end * camera.clip_far; // fog till 90% of clip_range

