
where is the big problem?

Personally I never did see at as a problem at all but there has been alot of disscussion concerning this more recently. Its very rare that someone acctually post something here thats not free anyways.

The only time I could see it really being an issue is if you were on very slow dial up and the poster used very large images.... Then I could understand being a lil upset/dissapointed. For me this isnt a problem tho.


Perhaps more appropriate to call it
"Game Resources"

Resources thats the word I was looking for the other day. I was going to suggest the same thing but couldnt for the life of me come up with anything other then "stuff"... Im so smart arent I

http://www.freewebs.com/otama_syndicate/index.htm - Each master to his own technique.

- Not me said the bee, Nor I said the fly.