I thinkit was fun playing with my bogus version while it lasted and I'm sure the pro version is the one to go for if I planned to make a commercial product. I'm not that good with it, though. I also don't believe I possess the talent of time to go that deeply into game design. Besides, ideas for me change so often that I can never get one single idea down on paper.

I don't really want to join a team, because most of the developers live in Europe, although I have submitted in the Work Wanted section about my music composition and as a result, have had a few people request some for their games. I think I will stick to this for a while and if I whatever money I might make will go to a standard 3DGS. I really don't believe that I will ever make a game, but it's a nice program to learn how to do so.

Knowledge is a right, wisdom is a choice.