Id say yes, even if you dont plan to make a commercial game. Or even make any games. I have a ton of fun with 3dgs and never made any games. Of course I orginally planned to make one but just dont have the time or energy to put in what it takes.

It teaches you alot and in my opinion its a blast learning stuff. Not only that when you play video games you start to see them in a whole new perspective. Latley every game I play im end up dead a few seconds later because im too busy trying to figure out how they did this or that or looking at textures, level geometry or models.

Even if you only get the standard edition which cost the same price as most video games. Ive been using 3dgs for around 3 years or so... Not too many games get played for that long. So I think its deffinately worth the investment. Download the demo if you havent allready.

However if you think youll be making some awesome game in a month or two then you got another thing comin - Each master to his own technique.

- Not me said the bee, Nor I said the fly.