I belive that Torque with all the options is cheaper then the pro of gamestudio, but one big thing is how genius you are, and how much work ethic you have.

I started coding in gamestudio when I was 13 and I had tried genius3d and c and c++ first (which were too complex to let me gamedesign anything but textbased stuff), plus a bunch of click and drag type game engines (which were too simple to let me do what I wanted). Which is why I picked gamestudio, its code was about the right level to learn at that time. I would not have stuck it through, based on my work ethic at the time, with C++ to get to the point where I could make 3d hotseat games (which is what I made from 13 to 14 years old).

Torque, although it says it has a script, this is more like the templates, and you need to code in C++ to get anything done. Genius 3d I belive is all C++, but very easy click and drag level design and multiplayer deathmatch (its also free).


My games - www.spyeart.com