Hello there!

After a developement time of nearly two years, I finally finished my work.
A database plugin for 3dgs, without implementation of mySQL or something else.

My first version was based on text files, but I soon recognized that the speed is not acceptable.
30 seconds for a data amount of 1000 strings (ten chars) is way too much

Therefore, I tried a version based on the heap memory - the speed increased for about 10 000 times.
I think the current speed is acceptable now.

The database works a bit different than others, for example
- no script language, all is based on functions (but you could implement a language, of course.. )
- no front end (means no predefined columns, every row can imply different data types)
- no query tables (resulting out of the first and the second example)

  • save / load all your data in/from only one file!
  • multithreaded save/load functions, the engine can run while your database is stored!
  • organize your data in tables!
  • name your tables as you like!
  • store as many variables/strings/vectors needed in only one row!

advanced dll Features (full version)
  • create as much databases as you like (via dll)!
  • complete source code provided!

I have uploaded a demo version in the Webshop
The full version is not available at the moment.
I have to write a bit more documentation for it, means it will take some days to its release.

Try it, and feel free to comment, report bugs or send new innovations by mail, post or PM.
A documentation for the dll is included in the download.
