1. yes you can but don;t expect to do so right away or that it to be easy. Don;t expect to find step by step how to on this either. multiplayer is one of these that some try but most give up on it because of complexity and lack of teamwork

2. this is a game engine, not an animation studio package system. model animation is just one part of the overall system. the more you expect from one aspect, the more you have to sacrific on others to maintain balance
so, yes it scapable, but mabey not to the point some people expect ( your not going to make an animated movie complex level character in a game, not even game consoles can do that)

3. again its about balance. the more into the a single model you go, the more you have to sacrifce elsewhere ( but there is a maximum limit that is based on hardware and windows operating system)

4. depends, on you. good paint program is helpful. everything else is up to you if you THINK you need them or not. also then its your responsability about compatability issues or not.

5. not realy. depends on what you have in mind and just how much work your willing to put into it

3DGS is used by many people/companies for things OTHER than games, its not a matter of what it can do based on preconcived ideas, but what you put into it. Expectations without unbiased examination usualy end up being grumbles and disapoitments later on.

1. no Multiplayer can be server, LAN, for 'traditional multiplayer'. single system multiplayer (turnbased or split screen ) is easily doable as well)

2. again, its in the details/complexity and what you put into it is your limitations

3. game maps/levels arn't models ( though can be made of them). again size is based on just how complicated you make things ( what LOOKS complex in a game usualy isn't so). Technicaly, there is no level size limits, realisticly it depends again on what you do IN the level, your design, construction visual effects, models(characters and static objects)... again balance is teh key

4. not always. meny people using 3DGS use many varied 3rd party applications. some have no issues, while others you see are struggling often. usualt those that struggle are just lacking proper information or steps on conversions, importing/exporting for compatability. SOme things the engine just is not ment to do. such as WEB based browser play, its not a java engine

5. that again is entirely up to you. you can find many game theory articals just on user interfacing around the web and in books. its realy dependent on the what your making and the point of view the player has to the game enviroment and what would be the most intuitive and natrual for control/interfacing