Sorry, after thinking things through for a few minutes, a few things come to mind. I tried out the clamp function you mentioned, and I have a few questions about how it would work...

1. How can I make the screen move at a constant rate? Would I have to move the terrain rather than the player?

2. If I were to use clamp, the camera could no longer be set at the view_box's coordinates, thus moving the camera wherever the player goes (camera.x = player.x, ect.) How Could I set the camera to look down without actually following the charaacter.

3. As far as clamp is concerned, is it resolution indipendent? I wouldnt want the movement bounds to mess up if the player chooses a different resolution other than my test resolution (1280x800).

Thanks again in advance,

"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider." Sir Francis Bacon