
the only two ways to achieve blended textures in 3DGS, currently, are either using transition textures or a multitex-shader with blendmap,

Incorrect.. in a shader you have other options, such as blending by height, slope, location, etc.

However, what would be helpful in this regard is the ability to arbitrarily set vertex data, such as by using vec_to_uv, but to additional texture coord sets and vertex colors.

Currently, unless im mistaken, vec_to_uv only affects texcoord0 .. you ought to be able to set any of the sets. Additional you could set vertex color as well.

This way you can store a per-vertex color for blending, without the need for additional blend maps in the shader, and you can precalculate slope and hieght values for efficiency.

Sphere Engine--the premier A6 graphics plugin.