
Re: A7...keep dreaming. We've been chomping at the bit for *any* info on A7 for about, oh, a year now...we have heard basically nothing other than "We're working on it, it will have better tools, and a choice of BSP or Octree". That's about it. *sigh* A lot of folks that have been with 3D Game Studio have jumped ship already, moving on to other engines...oh, they still post here, and still keep an eye on 3DGS. But, when you need feature X, Y and Z, and 3DGS only has features A, B, and C...well, you use the engine that will do the trick.

A lot of people here use different engines (I use A6, C4 and Torque...and am playing around with Beyond Virtual). So far, with the latest version (128) of C4, I'm really liking it! I bought C4 back when it was somewhere around 105, and priced at $100 with lifetime updates. I am *totally* behind C4...even at the current price of $200 and non-life updates, it's easily worth the cost. I'd still buy it in a heartbeat.


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)