SHADOWS are the weekest point of 3dgs, so I am happy to hear any improvements in that area.
Also I am curious when we will have shadows on terain, from blocks, that should be first feature to implement if you ask me. And terain self shadow map? (it can be faked through shader)
Why is so complicate thing to make good shadow system for terrains and models?

I think you should write that in Forecast on very very first place and start to work on that TODAY. Because even if we get some big publisher to see our game, first thing he will notice is a really bad shadow system and game will be rejected 100%. Belive me, I published more than 30 games in 7 diff. languages, so I am pretty "at home" in that area.
Now what we can do with shadows on terain is to fake them, thats all. And very time consuming.

So please make descent shadow system on terrain and from models and we will be happy and maybe some of us will make AAA title.