@DEX: My last post was related to dynamic shadows and not terrain static shadows. I don't use terrain, so it doesn't matter to me at this point. However, a lot of people do, and it is a highly requested feature that needs to be addressed if it already hasn't.



There's nothing wrong with the current system

Wrong. The current system is extremely primitive.. allowing only one shadow casting light at a time. This is a big problem for realism...plus you cant blend shadows correctly with the lighting passes and ambient, it doesnt look natural in most cases.

The current shadow system need a lot of improvemtns before it has any value.

I'm all for advancements, however multiple shadows don't make or break a game or engine, nor is it any less realistic the way it is now and has been in almost every other engine for years. There are still plenty of games coming out that use both static lightmaps and an oval blob shadow for the player's shadow. And, they sell pretty well, too. We're not all trying to make the next Crysis or FEAR. Last time I checked it was bad gameplay vs. good gameplay that people remember and games in the good category live on no matter what they look like.

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