If a shadowmapper will be included that is good.

I dont think that a baked shadow is "faked",
as the lighning on blocks would be "faked" in this sense too,

it is just the application of the same concept of creating static shadows
to the terrain, as it is to the BSP-blocks.

But how will the calculated shadowmap be stored?
In the terrain directly, by altering the skin (and making a copy of
the terrain with the new skin?)
Or as a seperate created skintexture, that can be applied to the terrain manually?
(To rework certain areas, like adding shadow/light jitter for leaves of trees,
and some fixes for the shadow)

Will the shadowmapper account for models too, or just the Blocks?

There should be a specific multitextureshader for the shadowed terrain too,
it works with the MT-shader from the templates,
but maybe a special shader, that keeps the terrain to
have the exact lighning from
the ambient light brighnes of the BSP Level as a minnimum, to
the sunlight Brightness as a Maximum.
So that the shadows will have the ambient light brighness, and
the sunny parts, that sunlightbrigness.